
The IT world contains a sea of systems. Most IT solutions are built so that it is possible to pull data in and out automatically. Typically, we are talking about systems such as: production, warehouse, logistics, sales, purchasing, finance (ERP system), time registration, project.

We believe that a good data flow solution supports the company's fundamental visions - both in relation to employees and customers. Among other things, we are talking about efficient and secure data flow, which alleviates work pressure and provides security in that the employees know what they are supposed to know and do.

An integration plan can be of great
value to your company

What is an integration?
Integrations are usually one or more processes where data from and between several different sources is combined and synchronized. This results in comprehensive reporting. Via integrations, smaller components are assembled into a larger whole. This whole is preferably represented in a dashboard if it is to be read by humans.

Developing a total integration model for the entire company can be very useful and profitable. Intrix aims to precisely be a supplier that can deliver comprehensive data strategy and the technical solutions.

Use and meaning
Integrations provide benefit and meaning by making data capture and data flow efficient, secure and complete. Your data capital is essentially like water in a reservoir. If the company can place the data in the right place, make it available to wise minds, process it according to defined target images, this increases the value of the data (data capital). Valuable information is thus built up, used as building blocks in the company and thus provides both benefit and meaning.